Mocked By Destiny by Michele Richard
Let’s start by saying this was my first E-book I have ever read. Great way to read a book, but having a copy on the bookshelf is even better. I have been an advent reader since I learned to read when I was ten. I was one of those kids who just slipped through the crake until I became teacher’s pet when I was in 4th grade. Once I learned to read I could not stop reading. It took me no time to be tested at college level.
I have always read such a verity in my types of books. If someone recommends a book I will read it not matter what type it is. This book was recommended to me by the author who is also a friend. Trust me when I say our friendship has no bearing on this review.
The book had me hooked within the first two pages. I could not put it down…. Oh I did have many interruptions, but that’s life. I had fun going from ah, that’s so sweet, to tears and then to laughing my rear off and back around.
The way she wrote the book is how I have dreamed someone would write one. I have always wondered what the guy was thinking so it was so refreshing that she would write two or three chapters of each point of view so you could feel each of their emotions.
The emotional feel of this book changes and just makes it that much harder to put down. The way she described how things looked, painted a picture in my head.
By the sixth or seventh chapter I was telling myself that I have to get a copy for my ever growing collection as this is the type of book I love to read on cold day in front of a roaring fire.
The subject was one that many authors have written about over the year’s teenage pregnancy, but unlike most of the others she kept them together and showed how they struggled to grow into a loving family.
Not many authors put an epilogue at the end of the story so you can get an idea of who the story turns out. That was one of my favorite parts to the story. I have always believed in the happily ever after, but in most teen pregnancy stories you have not gotten that.
To me this story is a must read for teens, young adults and adults of any age that loves a good love story. Life is not full of roses and is full of struggles, which was brilliantly written in this story. I for one will be looking forward to reading the next story Ms. Richard’s writes.
See, told you! All kinds of awesomeness!